Can Bankruptcy Improve My Credit Score

File Bankruptcy in Phoenix and Get a Great Credit Score

I am always a little bit sad when I meet someone at one of our offices that really could have had a fresh start way before they ultimately chose to finally come in and start the process. Many Arizonans operate under the assumption that it is better to stagger along with more consumer debt than they can handle rather than file bankruptcy and start over.

The reality is that if you have more consumer debt than you can currently handle, the quickest way to get a good credit rating again is probably most easily and quickly accomplished by filing bankruptcy. With your debt to income ratio as the biggest factor in calculating your credit score, just eliminating all your unsecured debt puts you on a quick track to rebuilding your score.

Again, if you are like the thousands of people in Arizona seriously considering bankruptcy, you are probably a little nervous about how it will affect your credit score. Contrary to popular belief, bankruptcy does not permanently harm your credit.

In fact, there are a ton of ways you can quickly rebuild after bankruptcy and quickly attain a much greater credit score than you had before filing. Remember, the purpose of bankruptcy is to get your back in the financial mainstream not punish you.

At Phoenix Fresh Start Bankruptcy Attorneys, we can help you learn how to rebuild your credit. By getting the right information, incorporating it and then making it a habit, achieving a credit score of 720 or higher can be accomplished in short order. The reality is that if you just file bankruptcy and do nothing else, your score will recover quicker than you might think, but there are steps you can take to really ramp up the process.

Phoenix Fresh Start Bankruptcy Attorneys has partnered up with 7 Steps to 720 Program. If you want to learn more about how you can use this program in conjunction with a bankruptcy filing, we urge you to contact our firm as soon as possible. The sooner you reach out for help, the sooner you will attain a great credit score.

Every one of our Arizona bankruptcy clients gets access to the 7 Steps to 720 Program at no additional charge.