Free Credit Repair After Bankruptcy

We include our free credit repair service with every bankruptcy that we file in Phoenix. Repairing your credit after bankruptcy is one way that our Phoenix Fresh Start Bankruptcy Attorneys show their dedication to helping our clients. Our clients are our friends, neighbors and community members, so we go the distance to ensure you get back on your feet financially.

Can You Rebuild Your Credit After Bankruptcy?

The answer is a resounding yes and it can be done in pretty short order using our free credit repair service. We realized a few years ago that eliminating your debts just wasn’t enough. We decided to take a more holistic approach by helping our clients recover after bankruptcy. That’s why we introduced our clients to a fast, effective credit repair service that we include for free with every bankruptcy.

Our Free Credit Repair Service and Credit Education

We believe that what you are really looking for is a return to the financial mainstream. The elimination of your debts indefinitely a great step in that direction. However, credit repair is often required to really get into the game. Most people don’t know the first thing about credit repair or how your credit score really works.

That is why Phoenix Fresh Start Bankruptcy Attorneys has partnered with an innovative credit repair service called 720 Credit Score. This credit repair service will lay out a step-by-step plan to for your credit repair. This is not just general advice, but a program that offers a solid credit repair education. A way to understand the mysterious math that makes up your credit score. It doesn’t have to be a secret code!

We have seen that our clients who follow the credit repair program can generally expect their scores climb to 720 or better within eighteen months after filing bankruptcy. The reality is that your score will likely rebound greatly after filing without credit repair, but may not rebound enough to make you creditworthy for quite some time.

We hope our free credit repair service will give you the confidence you need to move forward with your bankruptcy without doubt or hesitation. With this credit repair service, you can stop worrying about recovering from bankruptcy and start living again.

What You Can Learn With the 720 Credit Score Program

With the 720 program, you will learn, among other concepts:

  • What type of positive information will overwhelm the credit bureaus and make creditors pay attention to your recent credit history, rather than your past bankruptcy
  • What a utilization rate is and how it impacts your credit score
  • Which kinds of accounts you should have on your credit report, and how many
  • How to go about eliminating derogatory items, and how to make sure that your pre-filing debts are being reported correctly after bankruptcy
  • What balances you should carry on any new card

Good credit not only allows you to do things, like finance cars and houses or get a new apartment, it often allows you to save a great deal of money when you do them, through reasonable and fair interest rates. Good credit will likely save you thousands, of dollars. It is just as important to us that your financial recovery is complete as it is to you. To make that recovery a reality, we searched for a credit repair service that would actually help clients reach their future financial goals. We believe that we have succeeded.

Contact Phoenix Fresh Start Bankruptcy Attorneys Today

We believe so strongly in our holistic approach to bankruptcy that we are not only offering our credit repair service for free to all of our new clients but to anyone who has retained us in the past. The reality is in Phoenix, there is simply no faster way to recover after a bankruptcy than through filing your bankruptcy case with Phoenix Fresh Start Bankruptcy Attorneys.