How Do I Get the Right Bankruptcy Attorney for Me?

If you are dealing with financial problems and considerable debt, you have probably thought of hiring a bankruptcy attorney to provide you with legal assistance and guidance in filing a petition for bankruptcy. Over one million individuals file for bankruptcy annually, and most of them do it with the help of bankruptcy lawyers.

While bankruptcies do have an unfavorable effect on the debtors’ credit report and score, they present a much better alternative to being hounded by creditors or subjected to various embarrassing debt collection efforts such as foreclosure, repossession, wage garnishment, and bank levy. Hiring a bankruptcy attorney is often the correct initial step in getting out of debt and improving your financial future.

Where do I find a bankruptcy attorney?

If the company you work for has a group legal plan, you can probably obtain bankruptcy services at a discounted rate. Individuals who are jobless can get in touch with a non-profit legal service organization to see if there is a bankruptcy attorney who offers legal aid to individuals in financial distress. You can also contact your local American Bar Association or check out the reviews on online legal directories.

If you are in Phoenix and are considering filing for bankruptcy, call us at Phoenix Fresh Start Bankruptcy to consult with one of our experienced Phoenix, Arizona bankruptcy attorneys.

Just how much will it cost me to hire a bankruptcy attorney?

Most individuals who want to file bankruptcy are bogged down by debt problems and expectedly do not have a great deal of cash to invest in an attorney. Bankruptcy attorney fees usually range from $500 to $5,000. You can expect to pay anywhere in between, depending on the complexity of your case and the extent of help you require. Free legal consultation is often offered by law firms so the lawyer can review the situation and let the prospective client know how much work and expense are involved. Before the lawyer gets to the point of filing you’re your bankruptcy petition and accompanying you to bankruptcy court, make sure you understand what hiring him or her entails. Find out at the free consultation what fees you have to pay.

Just how can legal counsel from a bankruptcy attorney help my case proceed more efficiently?

If you are not certain of how to file the forms and paperwork, you best seek the assistance of an attorney. While you are not legally required to work with a bankruptcy lawyer, an attorney can work to discharge as much debt from your record as possible. Remember, a seasoned attorney has actually taken care of numerous bankruptcy cases and can guarantee that your bankruptcy forms are filed promptly and correctly.

The Phoenix, Arizona bankruptcy attorneys at Phoenix Fresh Start Bankruptcy have the knowledge and experience to ensure that your bankruptcy case proceeds as smoothly as possible toward a bankruptcy discharge.

How do I recognize when a bankruptcy lawyer is the best one for me?

When considering potential candidates, pick the one who makes you feel most comfortable. Do not hesitate to meet as many prospects as you wish so that you can be sure to choose the one who most suits your needs. Ask as many questions as necessary so you can make an informed decision. Consider posing the following queries:

  1. What kind of bankruptcy should I file?

There are several bankruptcy chapters in the bankruptcy code. An attorney will have the ability to identify which among the different types of bankruptcy you should file as well as suggest whether liquidation or reorganization is the right strategy for you to become debt-free.

  1. How will you manage my case?

Some law offices split casework between attorneys and legal assistants. Obtain a clear understanding of whom you will be collaborating with.

  1. How many bankruptcy cases have you handled?

While an attorney may have years of experience, it helps to recognize how often they practice bankruptcy law.

  1. Do you have experience with bankruptcy cases comparable to mine?

If you are filing for personal bankruptcy (Chapter 7 or 13), an attorney who specializes in business bankruptcy probably isn’t the best choice.  You may want to find someone who is more experienced in consumer bankruptcy.

  1. How much will it cost me to hire your legal services?

Some attorneys charge by the hour or have a flat fee. This is on top of court fees that may not be included in your attorney’s charges.

Look for a bankruptcy attorney who is empathetic and non-judgmental of your circumstances. You want an attentive bankruptcy attorney who listens very carefully and meticulously studies your debts. Of course, it helps to find a bankruptcy attorney who charges based on their track record and how well they look into the details.

For legal representation and advice, consider our experienced Phoenix, Arizona bankruptcy attorneys at Phoenix Fresh Start Bankruptcy. We can help you with debt relief by guiding you through the bankruptcy process. Call us now for a free initial case evaluation.