Rebuilding Credit After Bankruptcy

Rebuilding Credit After Bankruptcy Attorney in Oro Valley, AZ

Rebuilding credit after debtors have incurred debts is challenging. Debtors usually have to go through the process of reacquiring what they’ve lost to rebuild their credit successfully. This process, though, becomes easier and free from legal complications when debtors hire the services of a rebuilding credit after bankruptcy attorney in Oro Valley, AZ. Being an experienced bankruptcy law firm, Phoenix Fresh Start Bankruptcy Attorneys are proficient in helping debtors in the aftermath of getting back up on their feet post-incurrence of debts. Phoenix Fresh Start likewise has the resources to provide related services debtors need to rebuild their credit.

There are multiple ways debtors can rebuild their credit after incurring either minor or major debts. Phoenix Fresh Start Bankruptcy Attorneys are highly skilled and knowledgeable in handling these issues with debtors.

If you’re a debtor within the Oro Valley area in Arizona, give us a call to know more about how we help you and your family.

Why Do I Need a Rebuilding Credit After Bankruptcy Attorney in Oro Valley, AZ?

Contradictory to what many people think, there may be debtors who don’t consider the process of rebuilding their credit won’t be challenging. They may continuously engage in this erroneous thought until things get out of hand. If you’re one of these debtors, read on below to find out the reasons why getting a bankruptcy attorney to help you rebuild credit comes in handy:

They Get to Know the Surrounding Details of Your Previous Debt

A competent bankruptcy attorney who can help you rebuild your credit after bankruptcy is aware of why you incurred a debt in the first place. A skilled bankruptcy attorney is knowledgeable to suggest and enforce means to help you rebuild your credit. They must also be aware of the complete details that surround past situations.

They Can Help You with Unexpected Post-Legal Complications

At times, debtors may encounter or incur unexpected post-legal complications after they’ve put their debts behind them and are in the process of rebuilding credit. Chances are, you may be one of these debtors.

They Come Up with a Plan of Action

Bankruptcy attorneys are adept in their specialties, so they tend to be more skilled and more organized in coming up with a plan of action. A bankruptcy attorney can conceive a step-by-step plan for you to rebuild credit. A step-by-step plan maximizes chances of enabling a rebuilding credit after an Oro Valley, AZ, bankruptcy attorney helps you get your life back on track after putting your debt behind you.

Call Phoenix Fresh Start Bankruptcy Attorneys to hire any of our lawyers possessing these traits!

What is Rebuilding Credit After Bankruptcy?

Rebuilding credit after bankruptcy refers to the process debtors go through to enhance their credit scores after paying off their debts. Debtors’ bankruptcy records generally exist in their credit reports for ten years after paying their debts in full. However, the negative reflection of debts on debtors’ credit scores tends to become minimal as time passes. After debtors have finalized their bankruptcy, they can start rebuilding brand-new good credit scores immediately.

Filing for Chapter 7 bankruptcy entitles debtors to rebuild their credit score the next day after they’ve paid off their debts. On the other hand, rebuilding credit scores for debtors who filed for Chapter 13 bankruptcy takes three to five years to complete. Chapter 13 bankruptcy debtors will be unable to get new means of credit before the finalization of the said bankruptcy.

Debtors who invest efforts in showing their creditors they are responsible borrowers can complete the process of repairing their credit as quickly as one to two years.

Ways to Acquire and Maintain Good Credit

Surviving bankruptcy and paying off debts don’t end the problem debtors deal with. They need to acquire and maintain good credit to avoid future legal issues and complications. Below are some of the ways debtors can get and maintain good credit:

Do Some Substantial Research

Debtors should be aware of the consequences of borrowing money, so they will be prepared to deal with the latter as they arise. Being unprepared to deal with legal outcomes is a source of trouble.

Give Consideration to Enrolling in a Credit Recovery Program

Reputable credit counseling agencies may assist debtors in budgeting, forming good credit, and preventing future debt legal issues. Debtors will not have to figure out creative means to do their budgeting and maintaining good credit. This program are going to help debtors in this aspect.

Come Up with Debt Specific Strategies

Some examples of such strategies are credit report and credit score checks, saving funds for emergencies and budgeting, and making objective credit decisions.

Get a Secured Credit Card

Users need to put funds in secured credit cards before these cards can be used for purchases. Secured credit cards are an excellent way to build good credit scores post-bankruptcy. In part, debtors don’t incur future debts using secured credit cards.

Continuously Build Unsecured Lines of Credit

Debtors are encouraged to maintain positive disbursement of regular payments via unsecured credit cards for a minimum of a year. After such a time, debtors may find it easy to acquire unsecured lines of credit from the said cards. An Oro Valley, AZ, rebuilding credit after bankruptcy attorney can provide additional information regarding this matter.

Call our Rebuilding Credit After Bankruptcy Attorney in Oro Valley, AZ, Now!

One thing most, if not all, debtors give their best efforts is preventing another bankruptcy after having rebuilt their credit. Being wise and cautious in making future financial decisions are among the usual means to evade future bankruptcies.

Phoenix Fresh Start Bankruptcy Attorneys have seen many debtor clients incur future bankruptcies and have been serving clients for Chapter 7 and 13 debt issues. We offer free, no-obligation, and stress-free consultation sessions. One of our staff members refers you to one of our specialized bankruptcy attorneys after you’ve attended one of our consultation sessions, and see a positive difference in your bankruptcy case!